steven vargas

Steven Vargas is an L.A.-based multimedia journalist, dancer and actor based whose work focuses on the intersections of media, social justice, and performance.

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journalist. dancer. actor. playwright.






Steven Vargas is a journalist, actor and dancer who focuses his work on theatre, dance and social change. He graduated from USC in 2020 with a B.A. double major in theatre and journalism with a minor in dance and in 2022 with an M.A. in specialized journalism (the arts). More recently, he was an arts reporter for the Los Angeles Times. He's previously written for Entertainment Weekly, E! News, USA Today, BuzzFeed News and more. In theatre, he has worked with organizations like USC Arts in Action, Sojourn Theatre Company of Chicago, Black Lives Matter LA, and Reform LA Jails Coalition. He studied dance with A.I.M. by Kyle Abraham, Movement Migration and Imprints Dance Company (later performing as a guest artist of the company). Outside of USC, he studied Shakespeare at The Globe with a Fulbright Summer Institute scholarship and was part of the second cohort of The Kennedy Center’s BIPOC Critics Lab led by Jose Solís. Steven utilizes his skills and experiences on and off stage to communicate poignant stories through theatre and dance.


Steven’s work in journalism, performance and activism has been featured in publications including L.A. Dance Chronicle, USC Annenberg Media, Pink News and Voyage L.A. Highlights include his efforts to facilitate equitable newsroom practices and performances across the city.